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price per customer magento 2 extension
  • Created On: 01-01-2018
  • Last Updated On: N/A
  • By: CynoInfotech Team
  • Platform: Magento 2 Community Edition
  • Email:


We have built new extension Price Per Customer Magento 2 extension. Using this extension Magento store owner has the ability to set different price for individual customers. Also owner can set fix price, % discounts for all products for their loyal buyers. Magento2 price per customer extension inspires buyers to purchase repeatedly from your store or bulk to get benefits in product price compare to others. Price Per Customer extension helps you to increase inward and make your brand with loyal customers. This extension is working with simple, configurable, group, bundle and dynamic bundle products.


You can find these features below:

  • Set specific price for specific product per customer.
  • Set % discount for all products per individual customer.
  • Working with simple, configurable, group, bundle, and dynamic bundle products.
  • Increase visitors to register and buy more from store to get benefits.
  • Store owner can set price as per their loyal customers.
  • Easy to manage price.
  • Easy to manage with Magento theme.


Settings Options

  • Enable or Disable
  • Admin Ajax for save product price.

Here is easy way we teach to How to set Magento 2 Price Per Customer Extension in your website.

First of all login in admin panel of Magento 2 website. Than go to stores of admin panel and select configuration.

price per customer magento 2 extension
price per customer magento 2 extension


choose enable or disable mode of extension.

price per customer magento 2 extension

Choose General setting

price per customer magento 2 extension

Go to customer menu, select customer and edit it.

price per customer magento 2 extension

Select “Price per customer” tab (click on it).

price per customer magento 2 extension
price per customer magento 2 extension

Frontend view

Product list page

price per customer magento 2 extension
price per customer magento 2 extension

Product Detail page

price per customer magento 2 extension
price per customer magento 2 extension

Mini Cart

price per customer magento 2 extension

Cart Page

price per customer magento 2 extension
price per customer magento 2 extension
price per customer magento 2 extension

Checkout page

price per customer magento 2 extension

Installation Guide

  • Download extension zip file from the account and extract it
  • root of your Magento 2 installation and merge app folder
  • folder structure --> app/code/Cynoinfotech/Pricepercustomer
Countdown, comming soon & site maintainance - magento 2 extension

After this run below commands from Magento 2 root directory to install module.

  • Run :cd <your Magento install dir>
  • php bin/magento cache:disable
  • php bin/magento module:enable Cynoinfotech_Pricepercustomer
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • rm -rf var/cache var/generation var/di var/cache generated/
