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- Created On: 05-07-2019
- Last Updated On: N/A
- By: CynoInfotech Team
- Platform: Magento 2 Community Edition
- Email:
Severy order is completed when the shipping of the product is safely delivered to the customer’s door sill. And all the products shipping charges take up from either seller or customer. The shipping cost is based on product size, weight, delivery location, etc...Flat rate shipping charges take from the customers is not the appropriate way. But if shipping charges calculated based on distance from the store to customer’s address, that will help customers to increase purchasing amount and trust from your store.
Distance Based Shipping Magento 2 extension by Cynoinfotech helps to calculate the shipping charge accordingly from your store/warehouse to the customer’s shipping address. Distance Based Shipping Magneto 2 extension is developed with Google Map API to calculate shipping distance from the store to the customer’s location. Store admin can set minimum and maximum kilometres to set shipping price of the product.
Distance Based Shipping Magento 2 extension automatically calculates the shipping charge based on the distance between the store/warehouse to the shipping location. Customer will add their location and postal code, this extension is automatically calculated distance and shipping price from your store. Store admin can set shipping cost based on customers purchase minimum to the maximum order amount. Also, this extension helps admin to choose specific countries or restrict countries for shipping of the products.
As per your business needs, you can purchase a plan because Google cannot provide free Google API.
A distance-based shipping extension is not enabled without Google Map API Key Key. You need to buy Google API and Enter this API code into the store backend.
You can find these features below:
- Admin can set shipping charge based on distance between their store to customer’s location.
- Calculate the shipping charge accordingly from store/warehouse to the customer’s shipping address.
- This extension is developed with Google Map API to calculate shipping distance from the store to the customer’s location.
- Set shipping cost based on customers purchase minimum to the maximum order amount.
- Admin can set minimum and maximum kilometres to set shipping price of the product.
- Helps admin to choose specific countries or restrict countries for shipping of the products.

Click on Sales and go to shipping method

Update settings and add API Key

API Key and distance Settings

Store/Warehouse Pincode Settings

Admin Order Detail Page

Frontend view
Cart page

Checkout page

Customer Order

Installation Guide
- Download extension zip file from the account and extract it
- root of your Magento 2 installation and merge app folder
- folder structure --> app/code/Cynoinfotech/DistanceBaseShipping

After this run below commands from Magento 2 root directory to install module.
- Run :cd < your Magento install dir >
- php bin/magento cache:disable
- php bin/magento module:enable Cynoinfotech_DistanceBaseShipping
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- rm -rf generated var/cache var/generation var/di
- Username : dbs_demouser
- Password : dbs_demouser123