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Success Page magento 2 extension
  • Created On: 22-01-2018
  • Last Updated On: N/A
  • By: CynoInfotech Team
  • Platform: Magento 2 Community Edition
  • Email:


Magento 2 Success Page extension allows you to customize your store thank you page as you like. A success page checkout module in Magento 2 store administrator will be able to catch an eye of their customers. Checkout success page extension helps to customize thank you page for your loyal customer’s detail like order details, shipping details, generate coupon codes, social media buttons, payment information, personal information, other related product list, etc..And in the last Success page checkout extension has facility to set responsive template that work on any mobile, tablet and desktop device. Magento 2 Success Page extension has wysiwyg editor that help to set custom HTML, images or blog.


You can find these features below:

  • Customize order success page.
  • Show full order details of customers.
  • Promote related other products in thank you page.
  • Display coupon code in success page.
  • Facility to set responsive template.
  • Wysiwyg editor to set custom HTML, images or blog.


Settings Options

  • Enable or Disable
Success Page magento 2 extension
Success Page magento 2 extension


choose enable or disable mode of extension.

Success Page magento 2 extension

Choose General setting

Success Page magento 2 extension

Section -1 (Top header)

Success Page magento 2 extension

Section -1 (Bottom Footer)

Success Page magento 2 extension

Frontend view

Success Template Page layout - 1

Success Page magento 2 extension

Success Template Page layout - 2

Success Page magento 2 extension

Mobile Template Layout

Success Page magento 2 extension

Installation Guide

  • Download extension zip file from the account and extract it
  • root of your Magento 2 installation and merge app folder
  • folder structure --> app/code/Cynoinfotech/Successpage
Countdown, comming soon & site maintainance - magento 2 extension

After this run below commands from Magento 2 root directory to install module.

  • Run :cd <your Magento install dir>
  • php bin/magento cache:disable
  • php bin/magento module:enable Cynoinfotech_Successpage
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • rm -rf var/cache var/generation var/di var/cache


  • N/A