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Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension
  • Created On: 24-04-2019
  • Last Updated On: N/A
  • By: CynoInfotech Team
  • Platform: Magento 2 Community Edition
  • Email:


Magento 2 Shipping Rules by Cynoinfotech will help to create custom shipping rules & customize default shipping rates from UPS, DHL, FedEx or other shipping carriers based on various product conditions and cart attributes.

Shipping carriers provide their default shipping rules. But E-commerce business, there are varied kinds of products in weight, dimensions, material, etc. and these different kinds of products needs different shipping cost. To calculate shipping cost of products is difficult to manage manually. But Shipping Rules Magento 2 extension equips store owners with a wide range of assortment and conditions.

Shipping Rules Magento2 Extension by Cynoinfotech helps to create custom shipping rules based on: Cart Totals, Post Code, Customer Group, Shipping Address, and Particular Products SKU.

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension allows creating shipping rules those compliant as your store’s requirement. Using this extension store admin can create numbers of shipping rules based on attributes and conditions. Features of rate calculation and readymade algorithm of this extension, website owner easily set shipping rules.


You can find these features below:

  • Allows store admin to create one or multiple shipping rules
  • Create shipping rules based on product and cart attribute
  • Customize shipping rates per product and total amount of order
  • Rate calculation and readymade algorithm, easily set shipping rules
  • Create shipping rules based on customer groups and store views
  • Set shipping rules based on customer post code information
  • Create numbers of shipping rules based on attributes and conditions


Choose General setting

  • Enable or Disable

Store -> Configuration

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Sales -> Shipping Rules

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension


Shipping Rules Grid

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Add / Edit shippign Rule

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Shipping Rates

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Shipping Rule Conditions

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Shipping Rule Additional Conditions

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Shipping Rule Days

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Shipping Rule Store And Customer Group

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Admin Order

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Frontend view

Cart Page

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Checkout Page

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Customer Section

Shipping Rules Magento 2 Extension

Installation Guide

  • Download extension zip file from the account and extract it
  • root of your Magento 2 installation and merge app folder
  • folder structure --> app/code/Cynoinfotech/ShippingRules
Countdown, comming soon & site maintainance - magento 2 extension

After this run below commands from Magento 2 root directory to install module.

  • Run :cd < your Magento install dir >
  • php bin/magento cache:disable
  • php bin/magento module:enable Cynoinfotech_ShippingRules
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • rm -rf generated var/cache var/generation var/di var/cache