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Product Tabs magento 2 extension
  • Created On: 04-03-2018
  • Last Updated On: N/A
  • By: CynoInfotech Team
  • Platform: Magento 2 Community Edition
  • Email:


Product Tab magento2 Extension is helping to display various product information and data in product page to increase your store usability. There are three tabs by default comes in magento2 theme, and these are details, more information and reviews. Admin can add custom tab’s content as per products features, no need any programmatically customization to add new tabs. Merchants can easily manage or create tabs on product page from the admin panel for addition information and rewarding shopping experience. Product tab extension for magento2 is flexible to add tab content: HTML, text, images, static block, and video using a WYSIWYG html editor. Admin can apply all tabs for multiple products or create an individual tab for a single product. The administrator is able to limit the tab’s visibility as per not login users, login users, wholesalers, retailers.


You can find these features below:

  • Add multiple tabs for all products/individual products.
  • Add multiple tabs for each product individually.
  • Create/manage tabs from admin easily.
  • Add tab content: HTML, text, images, static block, and video using WYSIWYG html editor.
  • Add or saved tabs and apply multiple products as needed.
  • Easy to add, delete tabs from admin panel for particular products.
  • Easily change title of tabs.


Product Tabs magento 2 extension
Product Tabs magento 2 extension


choose enable or disable mode of extension.

Product Tabs magento 2 extension

Choose General setting

Product Tabs magento 2 extension
Product Tabs magento 2 extension
Product Tabs magento 2 extension
Product Tabs magento 2 extension
Product Tabs magento 2 extension
Product Tabs magento 2 extension
Product Tabs magento 2 extension

Frontend view

Product Detail page

Product Tabs magento 2 extension

Product Tabs

Product Tabs magento 2 extension

Product Detail In Mobile

Product Tabs magento 2 extension

Installation Guide

  • Download extension zip file from the account and extract it
  • root of your Magento 2 installation and merge app folder
  • folder structure --> app/code/Cynoinfotech/Producttabs
Countdown, comming soon & site maintainance - magento 2 extension

After this run below commands from Magento 2 root directory to install module.

  • Run :cd < your Magento install dir >
  • php bin/magento cache:disable
  • php bin/magento module:enable Cynoinfotech_Producttabs
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • rm -rf var/cache var/generation var/di var/cache

Note : if product tabs doesn’t shown frontend

  • if product tabs doesn’t shown frontend then copy " details.phtml " From below path
  • app/code/Cynoinfotech/Producttabs/view/frontend/templates/product/view/details.phtml
  • And past it to active store theme
  • app/design/frontend/active_theme_path/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view/details.phtml
