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Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension
  • Created On: 15-03-2019
  • Last Updated On: N/A
  • By: CynoInfotech Team
  • Platform: Magento 2 Community Edition
  • Email:


Customers are always zealous to know the status of their orders after the placing order online. Online shopping is always exciting task. People can’t wait to know where reach their order is placed. Order Tracking Magneto2 extension is helps customers to track their order status using order ID and Email ID. Your customers track their object easily without login on your website.

Magento 2 Order Tracking extension provides exact order tracking. As an advantage, you can reduce customer's distraction about your store credibility. This extension provides accurate information of order. That helps you to improve customer holding, customer service, store’s reliance.

Admin can set custom error message to show on the front end when the given details of track order are not correct. This extension have feature to set tracking link on top header link and navigation menu. Using this extension you can reduce customer's anxiety that benefits to your store assurance and customer’s trust.


You can find these features below:

  • Customer can track order without login on website.
  • Customer can see tacking status using order ID and Email ID.
  • Set track order page at top link section and navigation menu.
  • Set custom error message when the given details of track order are not correct.
  • Improve your store assurance and customer’s trust.
  • Easy to install and manage from backend.


Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension


choose enable or disable mode of extension.

Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension

Choose General setting

Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension

Set short code In Email Template

{{block class='Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template' area='frontend' template='Cynoinfotech_OrderTracking::email/track.phtml' shipment=$shipment order=$order}}

Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension

Frontend view

Set Order Tracking Top bar OR Menu

Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension

Order Tracking Page

Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension

Get Response Of Order

Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension
Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension

Set Order Tracking Link in Email

Order Tracking Magento 2 Extension

Installation Guide

  • Download extension zip file from the account and extract it
  • root of your Magento 2 installation and merge app folder
  • folder structure --> app/code/Cynoinfotech/OrderTracking
Countdown, comming soon & site maintainance - magento 2 extension

After this run below commands from Magento 2 root directory to install module.

  • Run :cd < your Magento install dir >
  • php bin/magento cache:disable
  • php bin/magento module:enable Cynoinfotech_OrderTracking
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • rm -rf var/cache var/generation var/di var/cache